Our new mastiff puppy "Duchess" is doing great. She is 5 months old and she is almost bigger than our 4 yr old Husky mix "Pepper". It so funny watching them play together. Our 2 kitties chewy and fuzzy love her too. They will cuddle right up with her and sleep. They play with her tail and she just ignores them.
We did get the new Halo ODST game for xbox when it came out. Its a pretty cool game. I don't play them much anymore because it just hurts my hands too much. Hubby and my 2 teenage boys like playing it. I just watch and read my books.
I read The Time Travelers Wife it was very very good. It was hard to put it down, you want read more and more but Alas! one does have to sleep sometime. Speaking of sleepy Hubby is past out in his recliner. He is still in a lot of pain from his neck surgery its hard to sleep in the bed.
I think I might take a nap today. I don't work again until the morrow.