Thursday, July 21, 2005

"I was tagged"

I think I was "tagged" tonight. I was on Blogexplosion surfing members blogs. Well, tonight I was surfing and I have not been able to stop reading the very first blog that appear before me. It s been a very interesting read this evening. You can find it here. At the end of one of her pretty much I'm supposed to tag 5 people, so I tag YOU. I paraphased alot but you get the gist. I think its called a "meme" or something or rather. Well, anyways for the next couple of hours, cause I know it take me awhile to do it....and then it will be done...

so here it goes............

Where was I ten years ago........

Lets see, 10 years ago, I would have been almost a month into my 23rd birthday. Don't do the math, that would be rude...LOL My youngest child was approaching the 7 month mark. I also had a 2.5 yr old and my eldest was a little over 3. Yes I had them close, which i didn't like back then but now that Im older I appreciate it alot. At this point in my life, my 3 kids was all I had besides my husband at the time. They were my life.

Where was I 5 years ago.............

I was separated from my first husband and already living with the next husband. We had just moved back to Ohio after being in Kentucky for a few months. I was working as a Deputy Jailer at the county jail in which we lived. My sister Lori I was working there and got me the job. Aren't older sisters cool?!

One year ago...........

My husband and I (we got married in '01) were a month away from moving back to Ohio(again) from Kentucky. But this time it was gonna be a permanent thing. I was so tired of having to move it drove me freaking nuts. We always had to do everything ourselves except hubby did manage to carry the couch and loveseat, on his back up 3 flights of stairs. Needless to say, his back hurt for awhile after that. Then one time we moved it was in the middle of the night in the downpouring rain, but this time we did have a some friends helping us, so that made it a little bit more tolerable. But still! I hate moving, with a passion. Could ya tell?!


Hmmm, lets see if I can remember. I got up at a ten after eleven in the a.m. Started a load of whites, made coffee. Our pot only takes 2 minutes to make a pot of coffee. Sweet!! Straightened up some of my Dad's mess and finally poured myself some coffee and went into the bedroom, sat at the computer desk and preceded to get online. Got ready for work a while late. Left for work. Worked up until 12:15 that night. Left work, stopped at Krogers for milk and bread. Went home, made more coffee and smoked for a little while. Ate some chicken and dumplings, and then went to bed.

Five snacks I enjoy..........

Munchies by Doritos.

Cherry Kool-aid & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Froot Loops, with milk or without. Depends on mood.

Kettle Korn popcorn.

Ham and Cheese Hot pockets.

Five songs I know all the words to......

Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard.

Hey You by Pink Floyd.

Like A Stone by AudioSlave.

Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler.

A Woman in Love by Barbra Streisand.

Five things I would do with a $100 million dollars........

With that much money I'm sure one could figure out how to all sorts of things. First thing I would do is pay back all the money I've ever borrowed from anybody in my whole life. Set up something for my childrens education and needs. Build my Dad a new house. Take myself to the doctor. Buy me a good car and hand out food to the less fortunate.
Five locations I would run away to.....

First would definitely be Ireland.
A tropical beach, alone.
My older sisters house.
Grand Canyon, just once before I die.
Five of my bad habits......

Smoking cigarettes.
Picking my lips until the bleed. (i have been getting better at not doing this)
Getting into situations I can't get out of.
Not cleaning up my messes. I am my fathers daugter.
and number 5 is....ask my husband he is better at this. LOL

Things I like doing........

Reading. Haven't done this in awhile.
Hanging out with friends.
Listening to music really loud in my room. Wish I could do it more often but THE DAD.
Being with my children.
Like to have my moments of just being with myself for awhile. Not long, just a little while.

Five things I never wear..........

Anything thing with horizontal lines.
A condom! Im a girl for petes sake! LOL

Five tv shows I like........

Law & Order (All of them.)
Star Trek, not the old the new.
American Chopper.
City Confidential.

Biggest Joys of the moment..........

I'm actually losing weight and I'm not sure really why.
I took a few extra days off work to regroup.
My dad walking through the kitchen belching as he goes. This is my life. Lovin every minute of it...

Five favorite toys......

This darn machine!
My little wooden pipes.
Box of crayola crayons. They really are better.
My blog.
My make-up.

So that is just took me a little over an hour to do that. At this point I'm supposed to tag five people. What is this tagging? And does it hurt?? I'm not one who thrives on

So Im gonna do what the one before me did and TAG YOU ~~~~~~ You are it!!! laughing as I run fast away from you......LOL

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Movies that I Like

  • The Louisiana Sky
  • The Lakehouse
  • Secret Garden
  • The Chronicles of Riddick, Pitch Black
  • All Star Trek Movies
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Pride and Prejudice

My Favorite Reads

  • Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
  • Timeline by Michael Crichton R.I.P.
  • Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
  • Maxim Magazine
  • The Time Travelers Wife
  • Therapy by Jonathan Kellerman
  • Compulsion by Jonathan Kellerman
  • Bones by Jonathan Kellerman