Tuesday, July 12, 2005

electricity anyone....

Well, tonight at work was an interesting night. For about an hour and a half, we lost power. The rumor was that somebody struck a major pole down the road and knocked out about 10 square miles of business'. It kind of sucked because our sales had been up all day and when we lost power they just went right down the drain. Also, in a restaurant when the air conditioning is not working it gets freaking hot!! We were all sweating bullets. And you know what amazed me the most. We had to turn people away and they were very upset or just pissed off. It was like "Go home and fix yourselves something to eat. You must remember how." The power came back on about 9 so we opened the store back up. It was a good night all and all.

In other news......At the end of this month I'm taking 2 weeks off work and taking my kids down to Kentucky to stay with my sister. I am looking forward to this because 1. I get to spend time with my kids, 2. I get away from my dad.(who is driving me nuts with his I'M RIGHT! YOUR WRONG! about everything attitude) And the funny thing about it is, he has no more than a 6th grade education, if that and the man can't read or write. Ok he can write his name and thats about it. I tell ya what he would drive you insane too! You know what else drives me crazy is when he tells me we need to keep the dishes done and he hasn't even done them in over 2 months. OH but he will swear up and down that he has. I know there is some other stuff to but its just make me mad just thinking about it so I won't anymore.


Anonymous said...

Won't you miss your loving husband?

Anonymous said...

Road Trip! So for your 2 hour trip you get to hear your kids fight. He's touching me! Are we there yet!? I have to pee! MOM!

Have fun! ;)

THEstarmouse1972 said...

More like a 6 hour road trip...but thanks for the best wishes!!

Movies that I Like

  • The Louisiana Sky
  • The Lakehouse
  • Secret Garden
  • The Chronicles of Riddick, Pitch Black
  • All Star Trek Movies
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Pride and Prejudice

My Favorite Reads

  • Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
  • Timeline by Michael Crichton R.I.P.
  • Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
  • Maxim Magazine
  • The Time Travelers Wife
  • Therapy by Jonathan Kellerman
  • Compulsion by Jonathan Kellerman
  • Bones by Jonathan Kellerman